Poinsett Bridge 2014
We went back to Poinsett Bridge to train a new member, It has activity from the past and a great place to train. While there Houston got touched on his face and Brittanee Bennett, Laura Steele had most of the activity as there were spirits that took fancy to them. Laura experienced a spirit walk through her and Brittanee had one profess his love for her along with touching and smacking her backside LOL. I asked if they remembered me and they responded with Ed, they also responded with Spirit Wind. We were using the spiritbox and regular digital recorders, a couple digital cameras. This was to get Houstons feet wet so to speak, he really stepped up to the plate asking a lot of really good questions and got some responses most were Class C evps where you could hear they were speaking but couldn't understand just what was said. The ones from the spiritbox were clearer and direct response from the questions.
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